1. All vendors must set up in the vendor space assigned to them by Event staff. Under no circumstance may a vendor randomly set up a booth. This includes vendors who are also involved in performance portions of the event.
2. The Horse Lovers’ Weekend is an outdoor event which runs regardless of weather. Vendors must be on site and open for business all three days of the event, from 9:30 a.m. until closing each day. It is each vendor’s responsibility to ensure booth setup can withstand windy weather.
3. All booths, tents and exhibits should attempt to create a rustic, 1860’s appearance (as opposed to modern-looking). Any exposed modern elements should try to be masked or securely covered using period-appropriate material. Wood and wrought iron support poles are acceptable; otherwise, vendors must wrap the poles in burlap, tapestry or other period materials. Tables should also be covered or skirted appropriately.
4. All booth personnel should do their best to be costumed according to the 1860’s theme. This includes blouses, skirts, shirts, pants, footwear and headwear. Please avoid “modern” clothing like running shoes and baseball caps; remember that jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts are not appropriate.
5. Craft vendors are encouraged to sell original, handcrafted pieces. If this is not the case, vendors must make sure to complete the appropriate section of the application form detailing such products and their origins.
6. There will be absolutely no selling of any steel blades, knives or weapons of any sort without prior written consent from the management of the event.
Breaking this rule will result in immediate dismissal from the event and any future events held at the St. Lawrence Parks Commission. This will also result in a loss of your booth rental fee. No refunds will be issued.
7. Food vendors wishing to sell bottles of water must purchase them from the Village Store for resale.
8. The Event Coordinators may require vendors to remove items that have not been approved. Vendors wishing to sell product lines not on their original application must have these items approved by the Event Coordinator before they are displayed to public.
Unacceptable wares (in the sole opinion of the Event) include but are not limited to:
- Marked-up resale of items from discount stores, dollar stores, or thrift stores, etc.·
- Items that are poorly made, and do not fit the standards of the Event.
- Items that do not thematically fit the Event.
9. Vendors and their staff should behave in a manner acceptable for a family friendly event. Profanity is unacceptable.
10. Pets are not generally allowed to be kept at Horse Lovers’ Weekend vendor booths, unless pre-approved in writing; certain conditions apply.
11. Smoking is not permitted on the Upper Canada Village grounds. (It is allowed in adjacent public parking areas).
12. Vendors are to ensure that garbage is deposited in one of the trash cans on site, and not left on the ground in or around the booth.
13. Each vendor is responsible for booth staffing, collecting and remitting sales taxes, and required Ontario business licenses and all other aspects of running their booth. Food vendors in particular must meet Eastern Ontario Health Unit Inspection Guidelines: please contact SpecialEvents@eohu.ca for more information.)
14. It is the responsibility for each vendor to provide proof of vendor insurance in the amount of $2 million as requested in the Letter of Agreement that is sent to all approved vendor applicants.
15. All vehicles must be off site and in the designated parking area 30 minutes prior to when the Event opens to the public. At the end of each day, vehicles will be permitted onsite only when all guests have left the park (and after 5:15 p.m.). Vendors must leave the premise no later than 6:00 p.m. each night.